8th Annual Steady Ed Disc Golf Tourney
Saturday, August 7th, 2010 @ 10:00am sign up, 10:45am
tee off.
(Download Flyer Here)
Also…Friday Night Draw Doubles, One Round of 18 Holes - $5 to play Tee
Off @ 6:00pm Sharp!!! 100% Payout to Top Doubles Team
The tournament will take place at the Oahe Downstream disc golf course near the
Oahe Dam north of Pierre, SD. Player registration will start at 10:00 am. Play will consist of two rounds of 20 holes. Tee off will be at 10:45am.
June 28, 1924 - Aug. 12, 2002
Registration will be $20 for every division...(Advanced, Advanced Masters, Intermediate, womens, & youth)
First 40 players will receive a custom Steady Ed T-shirt. We would like to have a minimum of three players to create a division. This tourney is a cash payout….payout will be based on participants. For example: 10 players for intermediate show up….that’s $200…payout of top three players will be $100 for 1st, 2nd will be $60, & 3rd will be $40. Lunch will be provided (sloppy joe & chips)!!
We are hoping to do a long drive contest, ring of fire, & maybe some other games to win prizes also… if time allows us to do all of them. $5 for the ace pool…we will also do a CTP(closet to the pin) for the ace pool if no one aces during the tourney.
Oahe Downstream is a state park and entrance fee is required or an annual pass whichever. Plenty of camping is available and is an exceptional park to stay the weekend. Hope to see you there!!
For more info call Tournament Director Brock Antijunti 280-5007 or Jay Blount 280-8898...Email to [email protected]
Sponsored By:
Design Draft, M&R Signs, State Farm Insurance – Becki Potrzeba, Broken
Arrow Farms, Country Carpet, Kelly’s Electronics, Ray’s Garage, Steamboat’s
Inc., Sharpe Shooters DGC of Pierre,
Ramkota Inn of Pierre, Coca-Cola of Pierre, Running’s of Pierre, Eagle Sales, Pro-
Build, Wheels & Sticks, Hills View Golf Course, Serganent Ranch, Bubba Ray’s
Grub “N” Pub, Whiskey River, Subway, Pizza Ranch, Disc Golf Confederacy of
Rapid City, Gator’s Pizza, and Classy’s of the Pierre Mall